02 01227858495


Do you have accurate products

that required engineering process,

drawings and materials to be manufactured?

Looking for

high quality products

Do you need special methods

for assembly

Do you require

certified vendors

Do you need to test your products before being delivered to you?

Do you require such a complex product

OUR Clients


Printing Machine

This machine is so versatile that it allows different types of printing:


  • 1 to 5 colors with linear or elliptical feeder
  • 2 or 3 colors with stationary piece or rotary table
  • 360° spherical (with the addition of the device AUR 360°)
  • 2 or more pieces simultaneously
  • with “double hit” print on parts that require high ink coverage




is a strong, accurate and way of assembly. It doesn’t requires  additives or third material to connect beween 2 parts.
we have a wide ranges of ultrasonic machines. 


Injection Machines


we have experience in injection machines since 1960. Ranges form 40 ton to 350 ton. specielised in injection accurate prodocuts, insert molds and engineering materials.




we have a wet paint cabinet from area  1 cm square up to 1 meter square. we deliver high quality painting up to international standards. 
for indoor and out door purposes. we have a full lab for all required painting tests.